In a groundbreaking initiative launched in 2024, the Women in Energy Mentorship Program set out to address a critical need in the energy sector: fostering leadership and support for women in a traditionally male-dominated industry. As we wrap up our inaugural year, the program’s impact has demonstrated the vital role of mentorship in shaping the future of women in energy.
Program Foundation and Goals
The program was established with a clear vision: to guide and inspire the next generation of leaders through professional and personal growth. Built on the understanding that women in the energy sector face unique challenges, the program focused on career advancement, building confidence, expanding professional networks, and driving industry-wide change toward inclusivity.
Success Stories and Impact
Throughout 2024, mentors and mentees engaged in regular meetings through various formats—virtual, in-person, and hybrid—allowing for consistent communication despite busy schedules. Survey feedback revealed several notable successes:
“I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to provide for my mentee in a meaningful way,” shared one mentor, “but I learned a lot about myself and how much I’m capable of doing for others and how small gestures can go a long way.”
Mentees reported significant practical takeaways, with one participant highlighting valuable advice: “Break down the bigger picture into smaller points when trying to gain motivation from an unmotivated team, drill home the why behind things versus just telling them something.”
Key Program Highlights
- In-Person Connections: While virtual meetings provided convenience, participants particularly valued in-person interactions for deeper connection.
- Industry-Specific Support: The program’s focus on energy sector challenges proved valuable, with mentees appreciating “having another woman’s perspective in a male-dominated industry.”
- Confidence Building: Multiple participants noted improvements in workplace confidence and decision-making abilities.
Looking Ahead to 2025
The inaugural year revealed opportunities for enhancement, including more structured meeting guidelines, increased group networking opportunities, and expanded industry-specific resources. As one mentor reflected, “The issues that women see are universal, not necessarily gender related.” This insight highlights the program’s role in not just supporting individual careers but in shaping a more inclusive industry culture.
The inaugural year of the Women in Energy Mentorship Program has laid a strong foundation for future success. Through meaningful connections, practical guidance, and shared experiences, the program has begun fulfilling its mission of empowering women in the energy sector. As we move forward, the lessons learned, and successes achieved in 2024 will help shape an even stronger program for future participants.
The Women in Energy Mentorship Program continues to welome dedicated professionals interested in shaping the future of women in energy. The 2025 program will be launched over the next few weeks. Please look for details coming soon!