Annually we host a Spring Workshop. This year our location was Peddlers Village, PA. It is a beautiful area for a one-day event. For those arriving the day before, we had a chance to tour the local warehouse of one of our new Corporate Members, Tyndale, a woman owned business. Here is a video of what we saw at Tyndale.
Interested in hosting a local workshop or a lunchtime event? Let us know, we have the tools to get you started. let us know.
Here are some pictures from our April 17th event.
Presenter Kristen Williams
Jackee Hawkins – Networking tips
Jessica Harrington
VP Pam Giordano
Closing event
Tyndale Ladies
Session Topics Included
- How Strong Company Culture Can Breed Customer Retention, Kristen Williams, Consumer Focus
- Introduction to our new Mentorship Program, Jessica Reeder, PPA
- Miscommunication to Effective Communication, Jessica Harrington, Journey to Yourself
- Networking made Easier: Skills to Make a Lasting Impression and Build Confidence in Making Successful Connections, Jackie Hawkins, Cargas
- Managing Change, Esther Angell, Cargas
- Making time for YOU, Jennifer Lawn, Original Designs
Thanks to our Sponsors: